PROFILE       COMMISSION       History



It all started when...

Jane Cleal and Justin Williams met whilst studying Fine Furniture at College. having gained invaluable experience in other leading workshops, they realized their shared ambition by launching their own workshop in April 1990.

With a handful of commissions they set out to design and make fine bespoke furniture.  Having gone from strength to strength, they now have a small team and a thriving workshop based on a farm in the West Country hamlet of Willett.  With this as their base, they work for clients across the country and internationally.

Core to their success, is the relationship they have with their clients. Often starting with a small commission such as a hall table, having enjoyed the process they come back to subsequently commission entire interiors both free standing and fitted.  


Along the way they have also developed an exceptional reputation within the industry. They have been well published and awarded many accolades including 'Bespoke Guild Marks' from the Furniture Makers' company  and the coveted ‘Claxton Stephens Prize’ for the best of year Guild Mark.